We understand your industry

Industrial Machinery and Service

is a resource-demanding sector where each sales transaction of machinery unit is essentially a project and only a starting point for long-term relationship between supplier and customer. Here exceptional aftersales service capacity and reputation is what guarantees stable profit in future. 

From the business point of view, the list of cost-critical tasks is long and begins with complex  sales pricing and current and future cost estimates of machinery unit.  At the after-sales stage control of serial numbers, warranties terms and validity, service cost allocation (customer, manufacturer or in-house), preventive maintenance, spare part stocks, self-cost and pricing of engineering resources for local and mobile units.

From the process point of view, the most difficult is to ensure that precise process co-operation is supported to keep a single view on machinery unit during its life cycle and consistently comply with safety and quality requirements. Here the first question that should be answered by each enterprise is - what digital means for you and how to use technology for process integration and data availability for 24/7 service regardless of location.   

By placing dedicated ERP system into service processes, viaPro customers have made significant improvements in service cost and revenue accounting and significant reduction of unjustified services to customers in cases when service object serial numbers cannot be traced. In addition, adapting IIoT concepts and methods service mobility can be supported to the level that there is no difference in quality and data support between on site and service centre locations.

Enhance your business processes
with innovative solutions!

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